First of all, thank you to those who took the time to read my thoughts on my blog over nearly a decade. It started out as a fun outlet for expressing my ideas on hot topics and ended up helping many. I am writing this now because the number of hits surpassed 800K inception to date this month. This number might be a little inflated because some actors try to sneak pointers to their content, but I deleted 99% of the invader's thanks to hints from Google. I did use this platform to share my art and music creations, but these posts were not bellringers. I thought it might be good to share the "Greatest Hits" with you. There weren't a lot of surprises for me as I watched trends over time. Other than the US and Russia, Europe dominated the number of hits. All comments will be appreciated, especially topics that you feel would be helpful in the future.
Net; Net:
I sure have enjoyed writing for you, but I delight in feedback. Please reach out by commenting or sending me a message through Linkedin or Twitter.