Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Reaping the Benefits of Intelligent Decision Management

In this post, I am going to summarize four case studies where applying operational decision management has led to significant benefits for organizations. Two of the examples are in the financial sector and the remaining summaries will be in the gaming and transportation sectors. Keep in mind that these are highly summarized and anonymous.

Revenue Driven by Intelligent CRM:

A Large multinational financial services corporation gains ability to provide prompt, personalized, proactive service to their clients

The Need:

Alert research analysts and sales based on specific patterns of interactions (or non-interaction) to enable them to more efficiently and effectively service clients.


•Flexible, extensible platform for modeling growing set of alert patterns
•Greater insight into client interactions across channels to enable more personalized service and more intelligent customer relationship management

Real Time Fraud Detection:

Major Chinese financial institution realizes enhanced fraud detection and greater time to value with flexible and agile decision management platform


•Detect fraudulent credit card transactions and take appropriate actions at time of interaction
•Implement new fraud detection scenarios more quickly


•Greater range of fraud detection scenario support
•Ability to more quickly implement new fraud detection scenarios (from ~1 month to < 1 week)

Intelligent Real Time Loyalty:

Major online gaming company gains agility and business control for creating real-time marketing campaigns for online gambling platform


Ability to implement and manage sets of rules as “plans” with simple and complex events over variable time horizons for implementing customer loyalty and retention plans, as well as fraud risk


•Powerful situation detection
•Agility in deciding bonuses to offer, which can be managed by the business

Real Time Monitoring for Increased Customer Satisfaction:

Major North American railway gains greater real-time visibility into operations


Ability to dynamically monitor trains for fraud detection, operational monitoring and ensuring customer satisfaction


•Enhanced real-time visibility into train operations
•Ability to graphically visualize network of equipment
•Greater customer satisfaction from real-time insight and proactive notification

Net; Net:

The combination of event pattern recognition, strong analysis and actions used in concert can leverage the power of operational decision management in beneficial ways. Hopefully these real world case snippets can encourage your organization to move further into the cognitive world.

These are highly summarized case studies provided by IBM

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