Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Books on Cybersecurity and Knowledge Blueprints

Every once in a while I get to review some great books. Here are two that should be on your bookshelf or in your digital library. I had the pleasure to read both and have a nice summary for you.

Click here for a link to this book

"The Geopolitics of Cybersecurity is a book that surrounds the multiple layers and dimensions of what holistic cybersecurity should look like. Not only are all the challenges laid out in detail in this book, but the possible shape of the potential journey to a balanced cybersecurity framework are explored fully. As a student of cybersecurity, I now know so much more than I imagined after reading this book. It should be in the library of all serious security professionals."  

"Ron Ross has captured the essence of the rules around conjugating knowledge and properly mapping it for precision. This allows for better business communications at a minimum and leveraged knowledge at a maximum. For any organization that wants to leverage knowledge now or in the future, this book is a must-read" 


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