Monday, October 7, 2024

AI Productivity Scorecard

Organizations face challenges in this AI era, including justifying each AI-enhanced project, measuring the results' effectiveness, and determining where they are on their overall AI productivity journey. While the big picture regarding the productivity race is evident at the national level, we are participating in increasing productivity to create gains in wages, better corporate profits, and raising living standards. See the big productivity picture by clicking here.

Why an AI Productivity Scorecard?

Organizations must understand where they are in unlocking AI's full benefits and increasing optimal productivity. While each organization's AI journey is unique, knowing where organizations are regarding their full AI productivity potential is essential. The scorecard can act as a radar screen to show where organizations or individuals are in terms of full AI potential. Last year, I published a rough guide for AI progress that identified three significant eras for AI. Click here for the three major eras. While it is helpful to know where an organization utilizes AI, a more complete and multi-dimensional productivity scorecard is needed to score how AI is being leveraged for optimal AI productivity over time. See Figure 1 for the AI Productivity Scorecard.

Figure 1 AI Productivity Scorecard

AI Productivity Scorecard Explained

Ideally, an organization has pushed its productivity to the uttermost limits of possibility; in reality, today, few organizations have pushed the boundaries to optimal because of the investment in methods, skills, and techniques that will take time to mature and prove themselves to be very effective. Most organizations start small and grow to complete potential over time. The scorecard aims to measure the progress on the path to optimal productivity. The early AI efforts will start at the center of the radar screen (spider diagram) and move to the edges over time. The scoring from 1 to 5 will be a judgment based on the state of AI at a specific point in time. Remember that AI will grow and evolve; the target could be a moving goal line. To that end, I described what to look for on each scale (vector). While it isn't perfect, it will give business leaders a relative way to measure progress over time. Remember that the scorecard can be used to measure projects and efforts first. However, aggregate efforts can be overlaid for an overall score for an organization, be it a division of the entire enterprise.

Work Impacts Scale: (AKA productivity in work complexity)

AI is excellent at automating repetitive tasks, and there are lots of organizational opportunities to automate totally, assist humans, or collaborate with other AI components. See the Top 20 AI Technologies for 2024 by clicking here. The challenge is having AI agents/bots assist with or make decisions independently within guardrails of goals and boundaries. In an AI-heavy usage scenario, AI makes plans without human collaboration and acts on them with measurement later. It is essential for instantaneous and emergent situations.

Paradigm Impacts Scale: (AKA productivity in problem difficulty)

AI is excellent at optimization as it makes fewer mistakes than its human counterparts. This means that AI clearly sees creating more optimal outcomes while goals shift faster. It assumes that the data it consumes is reasonable, but AI can sometimes sense out-of-whack data. AI can suggest alternative approaches and enhance existing optimizations with new paths or alternative solutions. It involves the creativity of a team of generative AI and humans, initially leading to more AI-driven approaches. In some cases, AI can develop breakthrough views and approaches that can be implanted and optimized on the fly.

Context Impacts: (AKA productivity in scale increase)

AI can help with personal productivity by simplifying each task with more advanced research. However, thought needs to be given to the overall journey a person as a customer, employee, or partner is on towards individual goals that may need to be incorporated with team or organizational goals. Teams often have different skills that must be collaborated on one work impact (explained above). AI assists these teams in incorporating stovepipe skills into optimal team results. Organizations leverage individuals and teams that may or may not have conflicting goals to create the overall organizational goals. AI is great at seeing the big picture and tuning individual and team goals to dynamically support overall organizational and cross-legal entity goals.

Problem Impacts: (AKA productivity in change)

Problems known and static are easy for AI to help with, but AI shines where change is evolving the goals and governance targets. AI is built for change and thrives where things grow on trend lines. There are, however, situations that evolve beyond plans and anticipated scenarios. These are known as emergent problems, which used to be quite rare but are happening more and more. AI deals with changing dynamically and recognizes new scenarios that may require replan and adjustment.

Speed Impacts: (AKA productivity in acceleration)

When work is done regularly, it is much more apt to be automated in a normal and preprogrammed way. As business change velocities increase, AI plays a role in adapting to itself in new ways. In fact, AI agents and bots are great at sitting on the edge and acting instantaneously to dynamic optimization and governance goals. The faster the need for response, the more AI will likely play a key role.

I'd now like to demonstrate the use of scorecards through three examples. The first example is AI in automation. The second example is holistic and dynamic management with AI, and finally, the third example is emergent optimization.

Example 1: AI & Automation (see Figure 2 AI For Automation Scorecard)

Automation is the usual spot where organizations will apply AI successfully. In the scorecard, I depicted a typical AI automation project or program. Typically, these kinds of efforts are aimed at intelligent actions that focus on optimizing results with known problems at expected frequencies but range from personal to organizational impacts. A few example use cases include:

  • Smart Chatbots,
  • Straight Through Processing
  • Knowledge Assists
  • Recruiting
  • Quality Inspections and Control

Figure 2: AI for Automation Scorecard

Example 2: AI & Management (see Figure 3 AI for Management Scorecard)

Dynamic management at the speed of change while detecting evolving conditions and suggesting tactical or strategic decisions is where AI shines. While the scope can vary from organizational to individual, the example below is aimed at the organizational level. A few example use cases are:

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Management Cockpits
  • Production Line Management
  • Warehouse Management
  • Logistics and Delivery Management

Figure 3: AI for Management Scorecard

Example 3: AI & Service Team Deployment (See Figure 4 for Service Teams)

Infrastructure servicing is a problem that must be optimized and enhanced over time. Let's use an above-ground pipeline that spans thousands of miles over various terrains, where drones fly over to look for issues and deploy service teams to remote areas when a potential leak is sensed. The drone images will be scoured for known problems and analyzed for evolving conditions, considering local weather, material decomposition, and position norm contexts. Speenorms because of the safety and environmental concerns; however, false alarms are incredibly costly.


Figure 4: AI for Service Teams Scorecard

Net; Net:

Progress in AI adoption and resulting productivity needs to be measured, even though scientific precision might not be attainable. Though I have searched long and hard for a way to measure AI's progress, I am still looking for something useful. To that end, I have cobbled together something that will help individuals and organizations have a rough measurement of progress toward greater productivity with AI. I hope this helps others. However, comments for improvement will be appreciated.

Additional Reading:

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