Tuesday, April 29, 2014

IBM Impact 2014: IBM Flexes It's Process and Decisioning Muscles

The size and scale of Impact is mind boggling, but finding good content was pretty easy for process management and decision management. While both are contributors to IBM key themes of mobile and cloud, it is clear to me that IBM is delivering on their 2013 Impact promises by delivering solid case studies from their customers. While I have not heard a transformational case study yet, it is clear IBM wants to partner with organizations that want incremental transformation. I am satisfied that IBM is gaining momentum in the process and decision management arenas. Add the power of Watson under the emerging cognitive computing theme and IBMs future is so bright, it might have to wear shades.

See http://jimsinur.blogspot.com/2013/04/ibm-impact-2013-ibm-commits-to-smarter.html

Besides the wonderful panel on the future of process, decision management, cloud and the internet of things, there were a couple nice case studies for day one of Impact that caught my attention.

Tangerine Financial:

The combination of mobile and process management allowed the bank to win new customers.


The combination of mobile payments and process allowed for better roaming checkouts and revenue lift.


Implementing a set of very complex rule combinations allowed Delta to make sure their pilot assignments were appropriate and legal. This was done with a fixed target date.


Was able to deliver compliance documents in an effective manner for their partnering employers to keep them in the Fidelity fold.

While none of these were transformation focused, you could see the seeds for incremental transformation with successful first implementations for some mainstay IBM clients. I can't wait to see what day 2 of Impact delivers :)

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