Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tibco Now Reveals New Goals and Improvements

There are 2000+ at the Tibco Now conference as we speak and it's been over 18 months since we have heard from the Tibco brain trust on their plans for moving forward. After going private, there were rumblings, but all I see is sensible management. Tibco is embracing digital with all it's strength now that many of the unnecessary technologies have been stripped away. There is a sensible plan being executed, focused on their customers digital journey to get to a digital destination!  I like what I see so far, but I will be watching the deeds as well as the words. Thomas Been has been our gracious host and hopefully I can transmit the happenings well.

Emphasis on Helping Clients Get to Industry 4.0 Where the Line Between People & Machines Blur

Tibco is orienting it's remaining products into core versus edge to keep their offerings solid for clients as they reach for digital. Tibco wants to leverage both it's known strengths to help clients in their digital journey. First this integration giant wants to interconnect everything including people and to promote process like never before. Secondly Tibco wants to augment it's intelligence technologies to give organizations the edge in digital competition. These are reasonable core goals and I am interested in how much they really push process over the long haul. Based on some of the client case studies, I think Tibco will be drawn into a process world. While this has been a goal of Tibco in the past, the focus on their customers digital journey is laser sharp. Tibco wants to push the cloud like its competitors, wants to excel in ease of use and wants to expand into more man / machine interaction. These are good goals.

The Future of Digital is Amazing:

Tibco hired futurist Ray Kurzweil to paint a picture of where technology is headed. He believes, rightly so that 3D printing, bio friendly tech, and cognitive supercharging of humans and operations is the way of the future. There was an example given that showed the assistance of 3D printing for creating body parts that would not be rejected to heal a child (wind pipe repairs). Dr Kurzweil gave an example of bio-friendly machines that could be injected to monitor or fix our bodies. He then suggested our brains could be supercharged by plugging into a synthetic brain in the cloud. That was interesting, but I believe that there will be a large array cognitive services in the cloud that will be human and API leveraged first. Certainly technology is getting faster and cheaper to assist our knowledge and brains, but I'm not sure of the real time connector from my brain to the cloud :) I'm not interested in an embedded chip, so .... 

The key kernel of wisdom from the good doctor was that no organization or person could stand still and ignore what's coming down the line. Organizations had better build an incremental transformation plan and innovate. Learn from your mistakes and iterate. Tibco gets it, but I fully expected an announcement saying what Tibco was doing to leverage brain power and knowledge in the cloud, like other competitors have. Certainly Tibco has strong analytic capabilities to bring to bear to operational problems. 

An Acceleration of Augmentation of Intelligence with Compound Analytic Visualizations:

Tibco has been a master at interconnecting things and analyzing what these things are doing in near real time or not.  Tibco now wants to generate actions from the dynamic and compound analysis plus visualization. To that end Tibco is providing suggestions for proper visualization and analysis out of the box to take the average BI user to be somewhat competitive to a low end data scientist. This is a great direction. There were several examples that took us from visualization through compound analytic results to suggested or obvious visually suggested actions. 

An Augmentation Through Streaming Analytic Capabilities:

Tibco has been strong in event and pattern recognition to help clients anticipate and act properly based on large amounts of near real time data. Both the bear and the fish need to anticipate and react in their respective worlds to compete for life. There was an extensive explanation of oil field management and oil well optimization to avoid shut downs from too much pressure in individual wells. 

Net; Net:

Tibco has great goals and is proving daily that it can help clients on their digital journey. Many great improvements were showcased, but the one that caught my eye was the new graph data base that looks to be ideal for recording events, emerging patterns and processes. This might very well be Tibcos future secret sauce to handling enterprise level big data driven connections, compound analytic operations and real time streaming. 

There were lots of great focused case studies, awards and presentations. It was well worth my time and I would do it again in a heart beat. This was a much improved event for Tibco and certainly better focused for the client wanting to attend their digital journeys. 


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